Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tories Confirm Scrapping the Human Rights Act in Parliament.

Conservative MPs had confirmed it would scrap the Human Rights Act and have a British Bill of Rights take its place. The House of Commons Justice Minister Dominic Raab said the scrapping is to be done immediately.

Meanwhile, Scottish MPs voiced their opposition against the proposal.

The scrapping of the Human Rights Act meant the UK can persecute and deport any terrorist, war criminal or any human rights offender from their country without the jurisdiction of the ECHR. This also meant it would withdraw its membership from the ECHR.
Data indicates that the ECHR had cleared almost every case involving terrorists, international crime organizations and war criminals.

According to analysts and critics, the scrapping of the Human Rights Act meant further difficulties in criticizing Russia's human rights laws. It would also mean Russia can just disregard its human rights laws and replace it with possibly stringent laws.

Tories stand firm with the idea that there is any weakening of human rights. British Prime Minister David Cameron intends to have the ECHR as an advisor and leave the final decision to Britains' supreme court regarding rulings on terrorists, criminals and others. According to Prime Minister David Cameron, politicians had the duty to restore the 'distorted' reputation of human rights in the United Kingdom.