Sunday, 12 April 2015

Women Abused in Sharia Law: Hasn’t This Been For Too Long Already?

Who can blame the UK if Sharia Law penetrates the legal system? Well, we all have the reason to blame the UK. In its endeavour to appeal to the Muslim community by including certain elements of Sharia law in banking laws for example, the UK is most likely to have an increased Sharia law presence in the next few years.

According to Muslim women, the UK had betrayed them because of the increasing influence of Sharia law, a legal construct they have condemned from their own homeland.

Baroness Caroline Cox of the British House of Lords had released her 40-page report “A Parallel World: Confronting the Abuse of Many Muslim Women in Britain Today” shows the effects of Sharia law in the UK’s Muslim community.

Baroness Cox cites the Arbitration Act of 1996. This allows parties to resolve troubles in British courts using Sharia principles.

Sharia law fuses the concepts of arbitration and mediation, but has the loophole of a “jurisdiction creep,” which allows them to decide cases related to criminal law, including domestic violence and grievous bodily harm as a result.

It is quite ironic that, while Britain is fighting Islamist extremism worldwide, it is using the same law that the terrorists use to downgrade the non-english speaking Muslim women residing in the United Kingdom back to their fears of the law from their homeland.

It is quite ironic, to say the least.