domestic workers were now approved with more rights as employers now have to
register them legally or else they face hundreds of dollars in fines. This is
actually a good thing; domestic workers worldwide have very little protection
against their employers. This case is actually true in the United Kingdom; the
new immigration laws leave none to protect abused domestic helpers.
helpers are those immigrants and nationals from other countries, usually in the
third world, who keep the houses of nationals in proper order, clean and
orderly. These domestic helpers may also buy the groceries or do all the
necessary work that most busy households forget to do.
In Brazil,
most domestic workers are made to work for more hours. Most of them are
unregistered as well, which allows their employers to hold their working
permits, imprison them, or make them work long hours. Some cases even have
employers withholding their payments for the month.
These people
are trying to earn a living, and law and order in Brazil, as well as here in
the UK and other countries, can become more peaceful if people stopped abusing
them. Remember, these families have also come from Favelas and poor nations; if
they are treated right, they could boost the economy of everyone else in the